Sunday, September 12, 2010

Family Camp-Out

Last night we had a family camp-out. Made a fire, had smores, and attempted to sleep in the tent. At about 10:00 everyone fell asleep and I woke up at midnight, Kali had knocked her water bottle over and her pillow and pjs were soaking wet. It was also getting cold, so we brought everyone into their beds for the rest of the night. It was a fun night. The kids loved it! Andy scared them by telling them there were bears in the woods behind our house and mice were climbing on the outside the tent. Then he starting making the tent rustle back and forth, their eyes were was funny...he of course then told them he was kidding, I told him if anyone starts having nightmares he was the one that would be dealing with it!

What a beautiful weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE these pictures!!! I especially love that you are roasting marshmellows with REAL sticks!!!! That is awesome! So cute and how fun! Even if you didn't make it through the night!!!

-Becky (the NEW day care lady!)