Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Apple Orchard

What a perfect fall day to visit the Apple Orchard. It was a terrific family day which included: the orchard, watching the Vikings game, making chili and apple crisp, and watching the kids play outside with the leaves changing color.
I love fall!

They got play the shakers in the band..they were pumped about this!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Brandi! For years I have been saying that I want to start my own blog, but have yet to get around to doing it. I love, love, love reading up on your family moments and seeing photos of your kids. Wow! They are getting so so so big!! This week has finally started to feel like fall in the DC area, and I tend to forget how much earlier "fall weather" begins up North. Seeing the sweatshirts and long sleeves is a welcome sight... I do love fall and I'm ready to turn in my flip flops! Hope you are doing well!!