Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wonderful Fall Times

I have absolutely have loved this fall. I love fall anyway..starting a new school year at school, new pencils, notebooks, new faces, seeing old friends..starting the year with all the newness of everything..but it is also different as my kids get older. This is the last time I won't have someone here at home starting their "new school year" and I am trying to cherish every single moment of it. We decided not to send Kali to kindergarten this fall and I feel like 100% confident in that decision for so many reasons. She has had a bit of a tough adjustment going to preschool all day. The first week was great..the second she was just sad. Wasn't upset like didn't kick, scream, or throw a tantrum..just was sad and it broke our hearts. After about a week of that..she now wants to go everyday. Her teachers are awesome and I am so glad we worked through it now rather than kindergarten. As for Cody..he loves his Friday morning preschool as he thinks he is so big now that he also gets to go to school like mom, dad, and Kali!

I am thrilled that my kids are happy at preschool and doing well and excited about my own class this year, but the balance I have with work and home is awesome. What I love most is that on the days I don't work they are at home together playing. Most Thursdays are spent just at home..hanging out. Often in our pjs, playing trains, barbies, catching up on some cleaning and laundry, and just loving our relaxing day. Yesterday afternoon we went out in our backyard and collected cool leaves and acorns. We played on the playset and jumped on the trampoline. Today Kali and I went to the store while Cody was at school and after Cody was done with preschool we went to a park. We ate lunch, played, learned how to run around the baseball field and laughed and laughed. I am so thankful for this time with my kids before they head off to their own new classroom every fall!