Thursday, December 30, 2010


Another year gone...everyone says the years keep flying by..but I sometimes think really do they? Well, they do. I really wish I could just pause this year and do it over again. Not because I want to re-do anything, I just would like to enjoy it all over again. We didn't have any huge events like we have in the past years..didn't announce that we were having a baby, ( NO.. we are not!)have any babies, move to new house, go on any big trips, or start any new jobs. We just were us..and were content. We played, laughed, and enjoyed each other and being a family. I went back through my blog and tried to think of a favorite moment of the year and couldn't pin just one down...but I can think of the many moments were tears have come to eyes watching my family and realizing just how grateful I am for everything God has provided for me. I truly am blessed and thankful. It was an amazing year. I hope I can say the same thing next year. Happy New Year!


What a wonderful Christmas! Below are a few of the pictures to tell the story..Kali and Cody getting ready for church on Christmas Eve, singing in church, feeding the reindeer, and putting Santa's cookies and milk out for him all on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day the kids awoke to find a new train for Cody and a Leapster for Kali. We then headed to Ely, to celebrate with our families..the pictures are of my family. Kali and Cody playing with and Cousin Camdree and my our whole family.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Ready

Today we have spent the day getting ready for Christmas..a fresh new coat of snow fell last night so we went outside to play in the snow and Andy hadn't had time yet to get any lights up yet outside so he hung a few so Santa could find our house tonight!

We then came inside and decorated cookies and played with our new toys from Uncle Benji, Aunt Kori, and Cousin Cooper that we got last night because we won't see them tomorrow!

Now, everyone is napping..then off to church where Kali and Cody will be on stage singing songs to Jesus and then back home to eat Christmas Eve dinner, open a present, feed the reindeer, set out Santa's cookies and milk, and go to bed!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas is almost here!

And..I love it! This is my favorite time of the year...making cookies, wrapping presents, the lights, the smell of a tree, the snow ( LOVE IT!). I have always loved it..but this year is it so much better because the kids are SO EXCITED! They love the idea of going to church and singing on stage on Christmas Eve, Santa coming to our house to bring presents, making cookies, wrapping presents for daddy, going to Ely to see all our relatives,and playing Christmas music in the playroom as I type is awesome. I hope you enjoy as much as our family does!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kali's Christmas Program

She has been practicing the songs for weeks and has known how many days until the program for the past week. She was so excited that Mom, Dad, and Cody were coming to her class to see her sing. She sang a bunch of songs, got to give and open a present, and got to decorate a cookie. Cody was excited because he got to have a cookie too! Cute Cute!!

Merry Christmas!

Kali was a reindeer for one of the songs.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fun

Sledding outside and making Christmas cookies. Oh.... the joys of working part-time!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Visiting Santa

There is always the great Santa debate in this you let your kids believe in this made up character who lives in the North Pole, makes toys in his workshop with the elves, flies his sleigh with his reindeer to all kids houses on one night, squeezes down a small chimney with his large belly, ( what if you don't have a chimney, like we didn't when I was growing up..I was scared Santa would land in the hot wood stove!!) and do you let your kids sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas...well we do..and I love it. I honestly feel it takes a little joy of the season for the kids if they don't get to believe in Santa. It is a bit magical and exciting for them. Today we went to visit Santa and last year Cody was not excited about this large man in the red suit, but this year he ran up to him and hopped on his lap. He told him he wanted lots of trains for Christmas. (So if you are looking at getting him anything..the would be the best bet!) As for Kali she walked up and sat on his lap and sat like a little pro. Both were so excited for this magical adventure. Whether you believe in Santa or not..Merry Christmas to you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kali and Cousin Cooper

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with our families. My kids love babies..especially Cody. Cody is so sweet. He says things like, " Look at his cute little hands and feet." Today Kali was very excited to hold Baby Cooper
(Benji and Kori's) 2 month old baby. Cute Cute!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrim Style

Kali and Cody with their friends from daycare..
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Deer Hunting

Deer Hunting is coming to end today, and as of yesterday my hubby has still not shot a deer..bummer for him! He has had a wonderful time with his friends and family at the shack the past few weeks and I had an incredible time at home with the kids. The past 3 weekends we have had a ton of fun..we went the the movie theater, played in the new snow, had a ton of friends over, watched movies at home, made cookies, saw Nana when she came to visit, played downstairs in the unfinished basement with all the bikes and scooters we brought in for the summer, and went to a friend's house to watch the football game. It has been a great deer hunting season for all even though there might not be any deer that Daddy catched (as Kali says!)

Just hanging out at home..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November Snow

We woke up this morning to 6 + inches of beautiful white snow. The kids were so excited. They wanted to go out at 7:00 AM to play in it. We didn't then, but we did later. I hope the entire winter is this warm and pretty. Happy First Snow!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Night at the Movies

Tonight I am taking the kids to Toy Story 3 at the movie theater and boy are they excited. This will be Kali's second movie in the theater and Cody's first. I want to plan fun things to do with the kids the next 3 weekends when Andy is gone hunting for the kids and me!! Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kali's Pumpkin

Here is the cutest picture of Kali after she carved her "spooky pumpkin"!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Star of The Week

This week Kali is star of the week at preschool and boy is she excited. Here is the poster she is going to share with her friends. She came home last week ripped open her backpack and started working on it. It was very hard for me to not do it for her as it is written in messy crayon and the pictures are not cut evenly, but she did it all by herself with a little help spelling from mom. She is so proud.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Today we had a Neighborhood Parade at the park. The kids had cookies and juice, did the limbo, walked around for a parade, and went on a hayride. What a great time they had! Tonight, Trick or Treating..

Here are some shots of Buzz Lightyear and Jessie from Toy Story.
Happy Halloween!