Monday, August 31, 2009

State Fair

Yesterday we went to the state fair. We had a great family day. We ate a lot of really healthy food, ( do 2 rounds of cheese curds count as healthy?) saw lots of baby animals, watched a horse show, played on play sets,and went on rides. The kids were so great. It was a beautiful only regret is that I forgot the camera..Oops!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Work with Daddy

Andy has been working a ton lately getting organized to open a new school for students grades 5-8. Kali has really been missing him so this morning he took her to work with him. The teachers have today off so just the office staff and custodians are working today. She brought her backpack, a few toys, markers, and snacks.

She just me she had 5 SNACKS THERE! A granola bar (what I had packed for her), 2 laffy taffy, lucky charms, and a fruit snack! What a treat!

She had fun playing with keys, colored, and entertained the office ladies. I am not sure how much work he got done. Cody and I brought lunch in and then Kali came home with me so Daddy could actually get some work.. she sure loved it and can't stop talking about it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Day of Summer

Hard to believe it is almost over. Tomorrow is my official last day of summer before school starts. I have mixed feelings about going back. I loved being home for the summer with my kids, but this summer was a bit different as Andy wasn't around much. He has been very busy getting ready to open his new middle school which is very exciting! So he normally has taken 4-5 weeks off in the summer he only took 1. So I missed having him around. The kids and I had blast this summer doing a lot of fun things, parks, beaches, playdates, bike rides, picnics, name it we did it. It was wonderful, and I am a bit sad as I will miss seeing them so much everyday. On the flip side I like routine and structure and while our summer days had a little of that I will like the more constant schedule as fall arrives. As I spend my last day loving my kids and appreciating them, I hope you are doing the same!

A few of my favorite summer pictures below!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Few Tears

So when was the last time YOU cried? Not your kids...YOU...well mine was yesterday afternoon. Let me we started the day off great with a big breakfast at home with our family and playing around our house. We then headed to St. Michael for the St. Michael Parade at 11:00. The kids were great, had so much fun, and got a ton of candy. After that things went downhill.

Andy had to run into work because he had all the locks replaced in the school and he got a call that one of the locks would not lock so he was meeting the guy there to have him fix it. So he took Cody with him and Kali and I went to the carnival. So we went and got some cash at the ATM. I just took my card and my cell phone with and left the rest of my stuff with Andy. So we walked to the carnival and stood in line for cheese curds ( my favorite) and some food for Kali only to find out after about 10 minutes their stand was not working. So Kali really wanted to go on rides, so I went and got $10 worth of tickets. She went on one ride and as I was getting her out of the ride I stepped off the ride into a huge pile of mud..yuck. SO we decided to go on the ride where you sit on a big sack and go down a big slide. She loved this at the Buffalo Days carnival. So we went on it and got up and walked to the next ride. By this time it was 1:00 and Kali was getting hungry so I reached into my pocket for my money only to discover it was gone. So I went back to slide ride assuming it fell out there. I got there and asked and yes some guy saw my money and he said another guy went to turn it in. So I followed him around the carnival looking for the guy who was going to turn my money in..and of course we didn't find him. So by now Kali is crying because she is hungry and wants to play a fishing game and a duck game which I have no money to let her do. SO I tell the guy, thanks for helping me and decide to walk to the grocery store and to feed her since I have a credit card. I reach into my pocket again and realize that not only was my money gone so was my check card/credit card. SO I kind of start to freak out. I have no money, no credit card, a muddy foot, a hungry kid, and a cell phone that has almost a dead battery. I go back to the ticket booth to ask again if some money and a credit card is turned in and the lady working it give me a sad look and says, " Of course not honey." I am asking every vendor and again go back to the slide where it fell out of my pocket. The guy that was running the booth stopped his booth to help me look for the "honest" guy that went to turn my stuff in. We still did not find him. Kali is crying this entire time and I am very close. People are giving me sad looks as my daughter is crying, " Mommy, I am hungry or I want to do that." So I finally realize I just need to quit looking, so I grab my cell phone to call Andy, only to discover my battery is almost dead. I quickly call him and tell him he needs to come get us. We start walking back to the grocery store, sit on the curb and wait for Andy and I start to think of the helpless mother I am right cash, no credit card, no car, we are both thirsty, hot, and tired. Kali is upset and so I. I start to cry as I wait for him to come and get us. As I am sitting there in my self-pity, a van pulls up and stops and out jumps Lisa. Lisa is my daycare lady..but much more than that she is a great friend who would do anything for anyone. She said, " Oh my gosh, I was driving by and my kids said, "MOM, that is Brandi sitting there crying"..I was like "No it is not", and they are like "YES IT IS!! STOP!! What is wrong? " I break down big time..she hugs me, tries to get me to come in her van, and gives me money,..and I explain in my weeping state that Andy is coming..I just felt so helpless. As she was talking to me, Andy pulls up and I get in the car crying. I know it is silly isn't it?? He had already canceled our bank card/credit card, since the "honest man" never returned it. So I was out $30 cash and a bunch of tickets..not a big deal. My lesson is to try take things a little less seriously and if someone woman is every running to and from every booth at a carnival ask her how you can help rather than just give her weird looks. What an afternoon we had!

Here are a few pictures of the fun parade!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Garage Salers

I know some of you reading this are garage salers, but please tell me you aren't one of those " Garage Salers". Let me give you an example of what I mean, I had a sale this week and this one guy comes up to me with my clock priced at $7.50 and my friend Gina's brand new shower curtain priced at $3.00, and he says," Will you take $8.00 for both, that is all I have?" I look at him and say, " No, it is two different people's things so I can't." What I really wanted to say was, " NO! LOOK AT THE PRICES THE CLOCK ALONE IS $7.50 AND THAT IS A BRAND NEW SHOWER CURTAIN!" But I didn't. So he buys the $3.00 shower curtain. I shake my head as he walks away, only to see him walk to his truck, turn around and head back into the garage and give one of my friends a $10.00 to buy the clock! SERIOUSLY!! It drives me crazy. Anyway, the sale was very successful despite the constant rain for 2 days! My house is very empty. The basement is now a giant playroom for the kids since there is no furniture left in it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Aren't they the Cutest Kids Ever?

I told you that my friend Annie did some pictures of the kids, well here are some of the best. Aren't they great? If you want to see more of Annie's great pictures her website is

Saturday, August 15, 2009


What a weekend it has been. Papa ( my dad as the kids call him) came to stay with us for the weekend. We hung out at home and played, went to McDonald's for lunch, and went to 2 birthdays parties.

Saturday morning while Cody was taking his morning nap and my dad and and I were outside watching Kali play with the neighbor girls, I had the monitor on and heard Cody wake up, I put a few things away outside and heard him really start to cry and headed inside to find him standing with his nuk and blanket at the top of the stairs? I was in complete shock. My first thought was who took him out of his crib we were all outside? Well duh obviously no-one. I don't know if climbed out, fell out, or probably a combination of both. So when Andy gets home tomorrow from the shack he will be lowering it to the bottom slot, and hopefully that won't happen again. He is only 16 months old..what a monkey, Kali never once climbed out of her crib! Oh the many differences between boys and girls.

On Saturday night after Camdree's 4th birthday party, I decided to take a different way home only be caught in a huge rainstorm in a detour with a crying little boy in the backside. It was a long ride home! The party was fun and it was great to see some faces we haven't seen in a long time.

On Sunday Kali went to Samantha's (my friend Steph's little girl) 4th Birthday party. It was at the Little Gym. It is a little gymnastics studio for little kids. Kali was in heaven. It was great for Cody too. He climbed on everything and even did some swinging on one of the big bars! WOW!

Here are some pictures from Samantha's party at The Little Gym!

Kali is swinging on the bar way in the corner.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Family Pictures

So a few weeks ago, my friend Annie came over and took pictures of our family. My kids are usually pretty happy, but they were both horrible. Kali was crying about what she was going to wear and would not smile for Annie. Cody was super happy when he was running around, however anytime you tried to pick him up to try and get a picture taken he would squirm to get down. Surprising she got a few good ones! If you want to take a look copy and paste the link below into your browser. They will only be available to look at until Aug 18th.

Monday, August 10, 2009

32 Years Old

Today is my husband's 32nd Birthday. I can't believe he is already 32, I remember back in third grade when we were both 8 and he moved to town with his family. Now fast forward many years later to the successful family man he is. He has 2 great kids, an awesome wife, ( if I say so myself!) and a great job. Andy gets a lot of shocked reactions when people hear he is the principal. are so young! At 32 today that is not really what I am telling him today..HA! I am so proud of him and so happy to be his wife! Happy Birthday, Andy!

We celebrated Andy and Benji's ( his twin) birthday last night at our house. They weren't all that excited to take pictures for their birthday as we had cake, but Cody sure loved the cake!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Night Away

Last night Andy and I went to South Dakota to a wedding. The wedding was a good high school friend (Josh) of both of ours. Andy's mom came down and stayed with the kids so we could make the 4 hour drive and stay the night. It was so nice to be away with the kids. The wedding was beautiful. The bridesmaids had bright pink dresses and somehow Josh got the groomsmen to wear bright pink vests and ties. We saw many high school friends, stayed up late, and had a few drinks. The best part was not having to get up at 6:00 AM with my kids this morning.

The kids had a great time with Grandma Pat. Marilyn ( Andy's aunt) also came out and saw the kids. They took the kids on an outing to Walmart and McDonalds. What at fun time for all!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sweet Kali

Kali has been going to church since she was a baby and this past year started Sunday School and we have been praying with her daily. She says this little prayer with us before every meal.

Come Lord Jesus Be Our Guest
Let this food to us be blessed

We as parents have been trying to teach her to have empathy for others and thank God for all our family has. A few of the adorable things she has said in the past few days are:

We were in the car and the ambulance went by with the sirens on and she says,
" Mommy and Daddy, we have to pray for the people that are hurt."

" Mommy, we need to thank God for Cody, he is a good brother."

" That man in the story at church hurt his arm and Jesus made it all better."

It really just melts my heart, doesn't it melt yours?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Girl's Night

Friday night 5 of my girlfriends from college and I stayed downtown at a hotel. We shopped, had dinner out, danced, and talked into the late hours of the evening. The next morning we had breakfast and coffee. It was wonderful. Although we don't see each other as often as would like anymore since we all live in different towns and all have families of our own, we are all very close and love the time we got to spend together!

So while I was out and about having fun with my girlfriends Andy had a great time with the kids. They went to the park, the grocery store, and went a walk in the woods where they used a GPS and found a geocache ( or a treasure as Kali called it). I came home to a clean house, folded laundry, and a full fridge of food. That made the trip even better! What a lucky lady I am!