Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekend with the Kids

So for the first time Andy and I are each taking one of kids for the weekend. He and his brother, Benji took Kali for the weekend to Kelliher to hang out at the shack. Their plan is to ride four wheelers, plant trees, and visit some friends and family. Kali is super pumped. She was pumped because she got to go with Daddy and Uncle Benji by herself and Cody was too little to go.

Cody on the other hand did not like the " Too Little" comment from Kali. There was some tears when they left, but otherwise he is pretty much in heaven. At home, with just mom and all the toys to himself. He can play, read, or do anything without Kali telling him what to do. Cody and I plan on just hanging out at home. My friend Stacie and her 2 year old daughter Elle are coming to stay with us tomorrow night. We are very excited for that.

Have a great weekend! I am sure we will!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy and You Know it

Kali loves this song, she sings it all the time around the house.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dance Video

I have been meaning to upload some of Kali's Dance Recital video for awhile are 2 of them I have a few more to post at a later date:) This is a class of girls that met from January-April. They are all 3. The little girl right next to Kali is her friend Bailey from daycare. When she notices that Bailey has a little scratch on her finger, you can see how sad it is for Bailey and how sad Kali is that she lost her partner.
Enjoy the great dancing!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Interesting Turn of Events...

Sunday afternoon as my husband was backing out of the driveway he heard a crunching sound..and thought there is nothing there so he continued backing up..then he found this...

Nice front wheel huh?

Yup..ran over his daughter's princess bike...he came inside and said, "I think I need to go to Target."

He sat with Kali and explained what happened....lots of tears that he ran over her bike. Now..he should have looked, but she definitely should not have left her bike at the end of the driveway. She learned a very important lesson yesterday and so did he. I am just glad it was him rather than me..because this would normally be something I would do..not him!!

So Daddy and Kali headed to Target to buy a new bike. She got a bigger one, which will last longer now and has been very careful about where she leaves it. She told Andy as he was leaving this evening for a meeting.."Daddy, I put my bike on the grass way over here so it is safe!!"

And the new bike.. she can go super fast on it because it is bigger!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two..really already??

Happy Birthday to Cody! He is 2 years old today. It is hard for me to look at him and realize that he is already 2. However, from the way he talks and acts it is not a surprise to us at all. He talks in sentences, often paragraphs. He counts to 12, knows all his colors, shapes, and is the most polite two year old I have ever seen. He runs to Kali when she gets hurt, says sorry when he was wrong, and has the sweetest personality ever. When he gets up in the morning he is all smiles and giggles and it continues throughout the day. He honestly is the sweetest little boy anyone can ever ask for. Only 16 more years and he will be an adult. I plan on making the very best of out of each and every one of those years.

Today we had a family party which Uncle Brent, Cousin Camdree, Uncle Benji, Aunt Kori, and Grandma Pat came to. Cody really loved all his boy toys and especially loved his new playhouse that Mom and Day bought him. The sunglasses Kali got him were quite the hit too..isn't this the cutest picture ever?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Preschool Screening

Kali has always been a child that is very Type A. She likes things a certain way and is a natural born leader.

This is the note we got yesterday about her from Lisa at daycare:

Kali helped all the little kids write their names in chalk on the driveways. She moved around the circle just like a little teacher, encouraging each one and helping them when frustrated. They get 10 minutes of media right after outdoor time – as I make lunch. Turning on and off the TV is HUGE! One child believed it was their day to turn it on but another child beat them to the TV and turned it on first. The child who missed out sat and cried. Kali was already indoors but ran out to the garage, sat down next to that child (and no it wasn’t Cody she is sweet to all), put her arms around them and said, “Tomorrow’s a new day”. Lol!! Cute and true.

So today when we had preschool screening, I was anxious to see how she would do. Well, she did if you haven't been to preschool screening before (as I hadn't until today) they ask some very interesting questions. What is a window made of? To which my daughter answered " Rain!" Which is a pretty good answer considering this morning she noticed the window was covered in rain from last night. No, they did not give her credit for that one!

She did great and had no problem separating from me, passed her hearing and vision, and is right on track. After the preschool screening we ran a few errands and met some friends for lunch at the McDonald's Playland! It was a fun morning!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hide and Seek

Kali and Cody love playing Hide and Seek, now it is really pretty easy to find them because they usually hide in the same place every time. They had a great time tonight playing..tough to find Cody isn't it??

When Cody is counting he counts loudly to 10 and then says, "READY OR NOT HERE I COME, KALI!!"

When he is hiding and you say something like, "I wonder where Cody is?" He pops up from the couch or wherever he is and says, " Mommy, I am right here in the couch!"

Kali on the other hand is a bit better, her hiding places are pretty good and she has learned to be quiet.

Here she is hiding....pretty good huh?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Living on a Culsac

I can't even begin to tell you the difference of living with a flat driveway on the culsac rather than a hill which leads onto a busy street. Our kids can play outside (even in the street) without me worrying about cars. Now, granted they have been trained very well by Lisa (who also lives in a culsac) how to respond when a car comes down the culsac. They quickly high-tail it to the side. Or it sounds a little like, " CODY, CAR!! CAR!! CAR!! COME HERE!!" Kali is very protective of her little brother. However our culsac is not busy at all. We still have two empty lots next to us so it is just great. We spend a ton of time outdoors and just love it!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Star of the Week

Every week at Preschool there is a Star of the Week. They create a poster with their families and share it a preschool. Kali was so excited it was turn. Here is her masterpiece!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Two of my best friends from college came over last night to play and have dinner. It is so fun to see grow and play together. We played, had pizza and cookies, put our pjs on and watched Dora. They had a blast!

Katelyn ( Leigh's little girl who is 4) and Kali (3) in their princess Pjs

Here is the whole group from (left to right) In the Front: Owen (Leigh's son) and Cody in their matching pjs. They both turn 2 this month, Addie (Kaci's little girl) who is already 2, and in the back Katelyn and Kali. Cute!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

And he loves to swing..

He loves to swing in the baby swings or a big boy swing!
Can you believe he is almost 2..less than 2 weeks away!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What an amazing day..the weather, the eggs, the candy..but let's not forget the most important part. Why do we celebrate Easter? Jesus of course..He has Risen. It is incredible story, a real story. So as we enjoyed our Easter eggs, candy, and dinner with our family today we remembered why we really celebrate this glorious day.

Our day was awesome, it was just the 4 of us at home, we hunted for eggs, played with the new Easter toys ( Golf Clubs, sidewalk chalk, and binoculars) went to church, ate Easter Dinner, went to the park, and watched Veggie Tales An Easter Story.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More Easter Pictures

Friday night we colored Easter eggs and today our neighborhood had a Easter Egg Hunt at the neighborhood park. It was awesome. There were over 50 families there all with little kids searching for Easter eggs. It was a windy, but a fun time! Enjoy the pictures! Now...they both kids are in bed anxiously awaiting the Easter bunny!!