Saturday, December 4, 2010

Visiting Santa

There is always the great Santa debate in this you let your kids believe in this made up character who lives in the North Pole, makes toys in his workshop with the elves, flies his sleigh with his reindeer to all kids houses on one night, squeezes down a small chimney with his large belly, ( what if you don't have a chimney, like we didn't when I was growing up..I was scared Santa would land in the hot wood stove!!) and do you let your kids sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas...well we do..and I love it. I honestly feel it takes a little joy of the season for the kids if they don't get to believe in Santa. It is a bit magical and exciting for them. Today we went to visit Santa and last year Cody was not excited about this large man in the red suit, but this year he ran up to him and hopped on his lap. He told him he wanted lots of trains for Christmas. (So if you are looking at getting him anything..the would be the best bet!) As for Kali she walked up and sat on his lap and sat like a little pro. Both were so excited for this magical adventure. Whether you believe in Santa or not..Merry Christmas to you!

1 comment:

Lisa Peterson said...

Ba hum bug if you don't let your kids believe in Santa!!!! Santa rocks! I love the look on their faces - total joy they are meeting the real deal!! Becca still believes in all of that and was THRILLED when I forgot like 5 nights in a row to put money in her toothfairy pillow (I'm sure that does not shock you or Em or Kelly). I heard her tell Luke, "I love it when more days go by because then the amount goes up!" See - she believes and knows that even toothfairies feel guilty for forgetting 5 nights in a row or sometimes the smallest bill I have is a 5.00 - either way - she scores. Let them believe - they are only little for a teeny weeny bit then POOF - they are grown up.