Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Ready

Today we have spent the day getting ready for Christmas..a fresh new coat of snow fell last night so we went outside to play in the snow and Andy hadn't had time yet to get any lights up yet outside so he hung a few so Santa could find our house tonight!

We then came inside and decorated cookies and played with our new toys from Uncle Benji, Aunt Kori, and Cousin Cooper that we got last night because we won't see them tomorrow!

Now, everyone is napping..then off to church where Kali and Cody will be on stage singing songs to Jesus and then back home to eat Christmas Eve dinner, open a present, feed the reindeer, set out Santa's cookies and milk, and go to bed!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

simplicity said...

Looks like a fun and RELAXING day to me! Enjoy your evening and your Christmas in Ely tomorrow! Hope to connect after the new year :)

PS Kali looks like your TWIN in the picture of her outside with the shovel. WOW!