Monday, July 13, 2009


They say everything has an ending, and my fear is that that nap time around our house is coming to an ending. Cody is teetering between taking one and two naps. On the days he takes only one he can't make it until after lunch so he usually zonks out before 11:00 and wakes up as Kali is going down before 1:00. Which as a result is no break for me.

As for Kali, some days Kali is great she goes right to bed, lays down, doesn't make a peep and is sound asleep and other days (like today) it is the biggest obstacle of my day. I have been telling her, even if she doesn't sleep she needs to have quiet time in her room because mom needs quiet time too. That might include reading or coloring by herself. She doesn't buy it. She comes out and has to use the bathroom 1000 times in the hour and asks me what I am doing. The first few times I am nice to her, after that I am getting mad, I either just point or say things like " Back to your room, no treat later, you will have to go to bed early, you are going to get in trouble." She usually just says " Why?" If I actually pick her up and carry her,(not saying anything) she will sometimes cry which then wakes up Cody, which makes me more mad. Suggestions?? Some of said let her watch a movie but we aren't really that big on watching TV or movies around here and I don't really want to open that can of worms because then she will never stay in her room and take a nap when she needs to! I remember the days that Kali would nap for 3-4 hours in the afternoon, it was awesome. If you are reading this and your child still does this..enjoy it because I sure miss it.

1 comment:

simplicity said...

We have a gate on Henry's door so he can't leave his room. While somedays he still doesn't sleep at least he is contained to his room for quiet time. Still annoys me when he doesn't sleep but like I said, he's contained. Just a thought.
He naps maybe twice a week these days. Consider this the beginning of the end with Kali! :)