Thursday, April 2, 2009

Burnt Popcorn

Isn't that a horrible smell? I know you are all thinking what in the world is she writing about..but really that has been consuming my life lately, or should I say my nose. Two nights ago, I told Andy that I needed a snack (as I always do!) so I ran upstairs to put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I set the timer for 3 minutes ( like the bag said) and went back downstairs. As I headed back upstairs I knew I was in trouble as I saw smoke coming out of the microwave. I opened it and black smoke came streaming out. I tried to keep it away from the smoke alarms as I didn't want them going off since the kids were both asleep. I took the scorched black bag and threw it in the garage and tried to figure out how it get rid of this smell and wondered how in the world that happened. That night I sprayed air fresher, slept with the windows and fan on, and lit candles and nothing seemed to help. The smell made me sick, and now two days later it is still here. Not as strong, but still here, especially when you open the microwave. If anyone has any ideas how to get rid of it for good, please let me know!


Kori said...

That smell is the worst!! Here are a couple ideas I found on-line.

This will help your microwave smell better! Squeeze a lemon into a cup of water. Drop the remainder of the lemon into the cup too and microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes. Let it sit in there until cool and microwave again for a minute. Wipe out the microwave with a damp cloth, and it should smell better

• Boiling a cup full of vinegar and then washing the inside and tray with it has helped me. Ivy R.

• A solution of 1 cup water, add 1 tblsp vinegar or 1 tblsp of lemon juice or any liquid that is acidic. Tis' better to smell lemony than burnt.

Unknown said...


Even your mom doesn`t know what to do about burnt popcorn,,2 days ago,, that would have been your April`s Fool joke Right? Ya right! Always put less time on that microwave popcorn, I have never seen one that was right yet.
Sending a hug,