Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kali's Full Day of Exercise

The other day I took Kali to the doctor for her 4 year check-up. We found out she is a very healthy 4 year old girl who didn't even cry when she got her shot! The doctor asked if she got an hour of physical activity every day. I kind of laughed and said, " Yes!! She gets a lot!"

So on Monday this is what she did:

We had friends over in the morning where she played on the trampoline, ran through the sprinkler, played in the pool, playset, and sandbox. We then went to the big pool in our neighborhood and swam.

After quiet time ( not much of a napper anymore) her and I rode our bikes to the library and then stopped for a treat at the Dairy Queen. She was such a trooper. This is about a two mile bike ride or more and she did AWESOME!!

Following dinner she went and jumped some more on the trampoline and then had swimming lessons.

Needless to say yes..she gets more than an hour of exercise a day...and she was wiped out at bedtime. She went to bed around 8:00 last night and we woke her up around 9:00 AM this morning!

Here are a couple of pictures of her at swimming lessons.

1 comment:

Lisa Peterson said...

Wow - she's JUST like her Momma who works a full day being super teacher, runs 3-4 miles in about 30 minutes and still picks up Kali by 3:45 then goes and shops, plays outdoors all late afternoon with the kids, makes dinner, plays some more with her kids or maybe she and Andy take them to an STMA sporting event, puts them to bed, plans her next day, cleans her house and probably 50 other things and that's a low key day! My kids are still busting at gut at the sign in your house (my kids babysit for Brandi's kids). It's something about "Excuse the mess - my kids are busy growing up" to which I say bah ha ha ha ha ha WHAT MESS?????? I thought Emily's house was the cleaniest thing I had EVER seen and she looked right at me and said, "You haven't seen Brandi's have you?" Soooo, I think Kali is a Mini Brandi which is a pretty darn awesome thing to be.