Monday, May 17, 2010

New Playset

So Andy and I have had big visions of our backyard. We had been searching for quite sometime for a play set to buy to have in our backyard. We really wanted a Rainbow one, but they are pretty pricey, so we had been searching on Craig's List. Well, about a month one came up less than a mile from us, so we called on it and they already had 17 calls on it. We were the first to go and look at it and bought it. Andy since has stained it and leveled out the backyard and added the wood chips. It looks great. We still have a long way to go on the backyard with bushes, landscaping, a fire pit, trampoline, deck, etc..but it will all come in time.

In the meantime, our kids love their new play set. Kali said the other day.." Mom, it is kind of like having our own park in the backyard!"

Cody says everyday, " I love our play set!"

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