Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Ah...what a day. It is hard for me to go back and remember my life 4 years ago as I was 7 months pregnant with Kali, having no idea what it was going to be like being a mother. I knew I was excited, but also very scared, thinking how am I going to take care of this baby, how can I be a mother?? No one can explain it to you the type of love you have for your children, as a mom. I would do anything for them...anything all all. I love them more than words can explain. Today, I have had many times where tears came to eyes, thinking how grateful and blessed am I am for what God has provided for me.

This morning as I came down the stairs, my kids raced to me with cards and hugs. My husband who joked last night and told me " It is Mother's Day every day here in this house!" ( okay all jokes aside was funny though!) bought me the sweetest card and flowers and made coffee and a huge breakfast complete with eggs, waffles, sausage, bacon, fruit, and juice. It was incredible. We went to church and during worship a few tears sprang to my eyes, just thinking how much God loves me and my family. We spent much of the day playing outside in the beautiful weather and then headed out for dinner as family. It was an incredible day..

When I called my own mother, I also thought how lucky I am to have her in my life, as some of my friends have already lost theirs. How grateful I am to call her during the week and chat with her, get emails from her, and laugh with her. Some daughters are visiting their mothers today at graves and I get to go and see mine next weekend at her house. I am truly blessed. I hope you had a wonderful day, too!
Happy Mother's Day to you..

1 comment:

simplicity said...

Happy Mother's Day Brandi! It sounds like you enjoyed your day and appreciated all your blessings fully!!!