Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to Normal

Okay so tomorrow I have to go back to work after having almost 2 weeks off for Winter Break and it is always hard. Not because I don't love my job, I do..but 2 weeks is a long time and you kind of get used to hanging out in your pjs until 10:00 or so, having a big breakfast with your entire family every morning, and deciding what to do with your entire day when you get back rather than just have it planned for you.

Now don't get me wrong, I am a girl of routine, organization, and structure so a schedule is something I need and love, but adjusting back to the working thing is hard. Every teacher will tell you the last night of summer vacation, MEA Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break brings a little dread in the pit of their stomach, as well as a little excitement. Sometimes more of one depending on the type of class you have that year! So even though we are adults many of our same feelings are the same as the kids we teach!

Enjoy your "normal" day tomorrow! I am sure I will enjoy mine!

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