Friday, January 29, 2010

Dance Class

Kali started her first dance class last night. She was very quiet and nervous when we got there and then a friend of hers from daycare (Bailey) walked in and she got excited. It was pretty crazy with 12 three year-olds in the room. The parents stayed in the room this week, but next week they will be in the hallway. Good choice I think! The teacher (Ms. Emily) was teaching the kids different dance positions and Kali kept asking me, " Mom, when are we going to dance!" I kept telling her, she is teaching you different dance moves. Of course when Bailey said, " I have to go potty." Kali did was an interesting night. Stay tuned for the recital in 8 weeks. Thursday, April 1st, mark your calendars!

Kali and Bailey ( sitting nicely on the new blue line as the teacher gives instructions)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cousin Camdree

This weekend my brother came over with his little girl Camdree who is 11 months older than Kali. The 2 girls had an ultimate blast together. They dressed up ( shown here) danced, played house, rode bikes, and laughed. It is fun to see their relationship grow as they get older and I think how blessed we are to have Camdree in our lives.

Friday, January 22, 2010


So after many emails from many of you asking why I have no pictures posted of our new house, here are finally some pictures. We still haven't hung many things on walls on it. So it is kind of plain. Some pictures are not the best, ( kind of blurry) but you get the idea. If you haven't seen it yet, come and see it in person!! We would love to have you over! I would love if you could post a comment so I know who is looking at my blog!


Dining Room/Kitchen ( Took this at night, sorry for the glare of the lights)

Mudroom/Half Bath

Living Room


Empty Guest Room
( We ordered a new king bed and will be moving our queen in here next week!)

Master Bedroom

Master Bath

Laundry Room ( On 2nd Floor..I highly recommend this!)

Kid's Bath

Kali's Room

Cody's Room ( This picture came really is a fun blue color)

The Unfinished Basement ( Our new playroom)


So my kids love playing outside. They play outside every day they are Lisa's and she has this massive ice hill in her culsac. We also have one in ours. Neither of my children have any fear, as you can see here. I did not help either of them climb this high. As Kali was up this high I was wondering how many stitches it would be when she fell. Below is an action shot of Cody actually falling backwards only to have him stand right back up ( no tears) and climb right back up.

We also have a pretty good in the hill for sledding and Kali went down it a few times, and even after going really fast and running into a tree in the woods she wanted more!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Smart Kids

So everyone thinks their kids are smart right? Well, of course they do. Check out our smart kids working at the desk on the computer and the other reading books. What smarties!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Birthday Party

Kali got invited to her friend Cole's 5th Birthday party this last week. It was at place called Pump It Up. It has those blow up slides and jumpy things. They played for a hour or more, had pizza, cupcakes, and opened presents. It was awesome and barely any work for the parents. The kids had a blast and got a ton of exercise. Kali had a great time with her friends and so it did I!
Happy 5th Birthday Cole!

These picture below, wouldn't come in any get the idea! ( The bottom one is when Kali and I went down together. It was super fun!)

Friday, January 8, 2010

First Friday

Today was my first Friday off since summer and I have to say I completely enjoyed it so far. Today I got to bring Kali to pre-school. Lisa has told me how she excited she is go every Friday, but that might be a bit of understatement. Since the second she got up this morning, she was thrilled that Cody and I were bringing her. She kept telling him, "Cody Man, you are too little to go to school, but you get to come to my school with mommy and drop me off and then come back and get me!" So we did just that. We went to room where her teacher said, " Oh Kali, that's right your mom gets to bring you now!" And she just beamed. She gave me a hug and kiss and ran off to play.

During the time she was at pre-school, Cody and I had some fun ourselves. We went to drop in playtime with about 10 other kids and moms in the same building as Kali's pre-school and then went and checked out a new gym in the area. I am dying not being able to work out. It is way too cold and slippery to run outside and so I am trying to figure something out..a new gym, a treadmill, something!!

Anyway, then we went to get Kali. Cody was so excited to go and get her. He kept saying, " Sister Kali pick up school!" We then came home and had lunch, and Kali told us that the letter of the day was K!! WOW! What a day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Playing Dress-Up

Yesterday a few friends stopped over to visit since it was my first official day of being back to part-time. It is nice. As I sit and write, it is 10:00 and all 3 of us are still in our PJS..Here is picture of Kali playing dress-up yesterday with a friend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Three and A Half

Today my little girl is three and s half years old. Can you believe it? I surely can't. I went to the hospital tonight and saw my friend's new little baby girl and as I held her it felt like just yesterday I held Kali in her little pink blanket. Time sure flies by. I love her so much.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to Normal

Okay so tomorrow I have to go back to work after having almost 2 weeks off for Winter Break and it is always hard. Not because I don't love my job, I do..but 2 weeks is a long time and you kind of get used to hanging out in your pjs until 10:00 or so, having a big breakfast with your entire family every morning, and deciding what to do with your entire day when you get back rather than just have it planned for you.

Now don't get me wrong, I am a girl of routine, organization, and structure so a schedule is something I need and love, but adjusting back to the working thing is hard. Every teacher will tell you the last night of summer vacation, MEA Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break brings a little dread in the pit of their stomach, as well as a little excitement. Sometimes more of one depending on the type of class you have that year! So even though we are adults many of our same feelings are the same as the kids we teach!

Enjoy your "normal" day tomorrow! I am sure I will enjoy mine!

Friday, January 1, 2010


We had some friends come over the other night and their kids are almost the same age as ours. The kids all put their PJs on and watched a movie together. Pretty darn cute.

Laying on the floor: Bottom to Top
We have Cody ( 20 months), Taylor (4 1/2), Lane ( 20 months) and Kali ( Almost 3 1/2). They had a blast!