Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

I have been teaching for 10 years. Wow...am I old or what? 10 years in 3rd grade and I still get nervous the night before the first day. The first day is kind of nerve wracking for the kids, teachers, and even the principal! But it does get easier. Today went so smooth. I have 23 kids in my class and we had a great first day together.

As for the new principal of the house, he also had a good first day with a few minor glitches, but nothing major ( Thank Goodness!) He still isn't home yet, and it after 9:00 PM, but I did talk to him and all went well.

Our own kids walked Lisa's kids to the bus stop this morning and my little 3 year old going on 13 could have hopped right on that school bus to school. This is the email I received for Lisa about 8:00 AM this morning:

Kali couldn’t have been cuter at the bus stop. Will try to download at nap. Kali stood with the big kids in line – I wondered if she’d try to get on. She was cute and happy and saying goodbye to all the kids. She thought this was a perfect was to start the day! Cody sat in his stroller and ate food. Fun morning!

Tonight we came home and played in Kali's play kitchen, below is one picture that Kali took...pretty good huh??

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