Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Being Content..

Sometimes this seems so hard..why? The stresses of life sometimes overwhelm me and I have a hard time just being content. Here are some of them: Are we going to sell this house ever...( we did have 3 showings in the past 2 days, so that is good, but still no takers, after 280 days on the is getting exhausting) if we move, should we build or buy, next fall should I work full-time until Christmas or work with a sub (my job-share partner is having a new baby in the fall!!) Andy needs a new vehicle, (should he buy another truck or a bigger SUV to haul the family around), should we have another baby or just be content with the wonderful 2 kids we have. I know as you read this and as I do, I think really all of this is silly. It is and I know it, but it stresses me out. I have friends and family members who have their husband out of town for 3 months at time, have had their husbands lose their jobs, can't get pregnant, are getting divorced, have high risk pregnancies, and the list goes on...and I am stressed about stupid things. I just need to often sit back and get a good kick in the pants and say.." God, thanks for all these blessings I have and continue to pray that everything will work out the way it suppose to." Because it always does!

Two big reasons to just be content!

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