Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Playing in the House

Kali and Cody love playing in our neighbor's playhouse. Here are a few pictures of Kali!

Monday, June 29, 2009


What else can I say??

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Fun

We have spent many hours outside in Kali's pink pool, the water table, and the sprinkler. I would love to live on a lake or have an underground pool in our backyard, but that isn't quite factored into the finances right now. But my kids love water and love going outside. In early May when it was 50 degrees out Kali came running inside to put her suit on because Andy started the sprinkler to water the lawn..she wanted to run through it. After some tears she finally gave up, but was pretty determined it was warm enough!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Trip to Ely

So last week, Andy was at a principal conference for the week so I decided to go to Ely to see family with the kids. It was suppose to be nice and I was excited to go. However I got super sick when I got there. Chills, Aches, Temperature of 102, sore throat...it was terrible. Thankfully I had family there to take care of the kids while I rested. I finally went to the doctor while there and found out that I had a nasty case of strep throat. So I got some antibiotics and wanted nothing more to head home. So I hit the road with my 2 kids and dog with a fever of still 101 F. I left at 5:30 thinking that in my weak state, the majority of the trip the kids will be sleeping. Not 2 minutes into the ride, my dog figured out how to jump through the seats even though I thought I had strapped him down well. So that was my first stop. 2 hours into the trip things were going great, I stopped at a rest stop so Kali could use the bathroom and changed Cody's dirty diaper. The kids put their Pj's on and I thought, "Wow, this is going to easy trip." That is where I thought wrong. About 45 minutes later, Cody had another dirty diaper, so I had to stop again, however he cried for about 20 minutes until I could find a place to stop. So when I finally stopped it was raining and I went to take Cody out of his car seat I picked him up and realized his diaper had exploded. It was now all over me, his car seat, and himself. Kali is standing in the rain crying and I needed to get new clothes so I opened up the back of my car and Riley tried to jump out, but he was strapped in and fell out was like hanging himself. I almost dropped Cody to the ground ( which then caused him to cry) to push Riley back in the car. I went into the rest stop and was almost crying myself as I tried to clean up the diaper mess. The ride continued for a little while until the dog someone figured out how to jump through the seats 2 more times which caused more crying from both kids and more stops. As I pulled into my driveway at 10:30, with both kids still awake I had never been so happy to see Andy and to be home.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


What more can you ask for when you go to parade it was 80 degrees and sunny! We had a wonderful time at the parade. Cody actually sat in the stroller and ate snacks for a hour of the two hour parade. This is amazing since he really does NOT sit right now, he runs everywhere!

Kali and Cody in the stroller at the beginning, just watching the first band go by. 8 different marching bands with over a 100 different events. It was quite a parade!

Kali and her friend Cole at the parade with Cody in the stroller.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Buffalo Days

This week is Buffalo Days. It is a fun week. There is a carnival, music in the park every night, fireworks, a parade, a 5K run, church service in the park, little petting zoo, and a million other things. Andy and I love this week. We took the kids to the concert in the park on Thursday and to the carnival today and I plan on taking them to the parade tomorrow night with a friend since Andy will be at his brother's bachelor party.

Kali had a blast at the carnival. She loved this slide, she went 3 times. Once with Dad, Uncle Danny, and Mom!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Being Content..

Sometimes this seems so hard..why? The stresses of life sometimes overwhelm me and I have a hard time just being content. Here are some of them: Are we going to sell this house ever...( we did have 3 showings in the past 2 days, so that is good, but still no takers, after 280 days on the market..yup..it is getting exhausting) if we move, should we build or buy, next fall should I work full-time until Christmas or work with a sub (my job-share partner is having a new baby in the fall!!) Andy needs a new vehicle, (should he buy another truck or a bigger SUV to haul the family around), should we have another baby or just be content with the wonderful 2 kids we have. I know as you read this and as I do, I think really all of this is silly. It is and I know it, but it stresses me out. I have friends and family members who have their husband out of town for 3 months at time, have had their husbands lose their jobs, can't get pregnant, are getting divorced, have high risk pregnancies, and the list goes on...and I am stressed about stupid things. I just need to often sit back and get a good kick in the pants and say.." God, thanks for all these blessings I have and continue to pray that everything will work out the way it suppose to." Because it always does!

Two big reasons to just be content!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today we got together with some of my college friends (Jenny, Kaci, and Leigh) and we all have little ones. It was fun to watch them play together. Aren't they all adorable! Here are some pictures:

Left to right: Katelyn (Leigh's little girl- age 3) and Kali (almost 3) are on the left of the table.
Brooke (in the back is Jenny's little girl age 21 months) and Addie ( Kaci's little girl age 20 months) are on the right side of the table.

Cody is in the very back checking out all the girls!

The boys Owen (Leigh) and Cody are both 13 months!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Tonight Kali started her first Gymnastics class. It is class through Community Education where they introduce them to the sport. She loves jumping, somersaults, and running around so we thought why not try it for her. Here are a bunch of pictures of her from her first night...boy was she excited. She got to do the vaults, balance beam, bars, and tumbling. She was in heaven!

Kali going into the school for her first night!

Kali in her new pink leotard! She loved it!

Kali getting ready to jump off the vault.

Jumping all by herself!

The balance beam!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


So about 3 months ago Kali started showing interest in taking a shower with us rather than a bath. So we have let her once in awhile. Today my 2 year old ( will be 3 in a month) took a shower by herself. Yup...washed her hair, her body, everything...I kept peaking my head around the curtain to see how it was going and she at one point said, " Mom, get out of here!" As I have said before 3 going on 13...Miss Independent...I always tell Andy when she gets to middle school she is all yours! It is his expertise.

Lemonade Stand

So this weekend Kali got a new lemonade stand from Marilyn ( Andy's aunt) so yesterday when it was 85 and sunny. Kali and the neighbor girls tried to sell some. They only had 2 customers which happened to be both of their daddies! The girls had no problem finishing off the lemonade we made for it though!