Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Dress Shopping

Today I took my daughter dress shopping for the first time. I know there will be many other times that we do this, but today was the first. Benji (Andy's twin brother) is getting married this summer and Kali is the flower girl. We have been prepping her all week for this day to go shopping with mom for her new dress so she was very excited. We tried on about 7 dresses and decided on that last one. We did order a blue sash/bow to match my dress and the other bridesmaids. She loved it, she was running up and down the ramps in David Bridal squealing with excitement. After dress shopping we went to Chuckie Cheese for the first time. It was a pretty special day. As I pulled the first white dress over her head today I almost got a little choked up as I felt myself fast-forwarding 20+ years to helping her with her wedding dress. I want to cherish the days that she really is my little girl!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

She's adorable!!! LOVE the dress and her hair clipped to the side is perfect! :)